For example, your open rates will be higher. In truth the number of total opened e-mails does not change, but now the open rate statistic is more in tune with reality. - It makes economic sense that fewer e-mails sent costs less money. - Your spam complaints will email list go down since you are not sending e-mails to uninterested readers. - Improved deliverability should keep you off black-lists and get you on some white-lists - Your reputation score should improve. Thus, smaller lists make good business sense.
John Bradley Jackson © Copyright 2007 All rights reserved. John Bradley Jackson brings street-savvy sales and marketing experience from Silicon Valley and Wall Street. His resume also includes entrepreneur, angel investor, corporate trainer, philanthropist, and consultant. His book is called "First, Best, or Different: What Every Entrepreneur Needs to Know About Niche Marketing".
Most companies will now be required to retain and produce a wider range of electronic data because of the new Federal Rules of Civil Procedure which were approved on December 1, 2006. The types of electronically stored information that companies could be required to produce in a lawsuit range from docs, e-mails, voice mails, text messages and just about any digital information saved on a company's server, e-mail database or employee's desktop.